
25 January 2013

Friday Finish - Repro Ninepatch Cat Quilt

I felt like I was creating problems by only having one cat quilt. So I pulled out my stash of 1930's repro ninepatch blocks. I have heaps of these, as I basically use these as my "have 5 spare mins" project. Always already cut up and just need to be sewn. They can be used for sew many things.

Finished 1930's Repro Ninepatch Cat Quilt
Annnyway, I whipped this up pretty quickly and decided to use it as a test run for some Free Motion Quilting. I literally have never done any of this. I practiced for about 5 mins and then gave it a go.I didn't really feel confident enough to do it totally free motion, so I marked a quite open meander on it. I think this actually made the regulation on the stitches worse. I was concentrating on the pattern of the stitching rather than the quality of it.
Below is the back of the quilt. There were only a couple of places where the stitching jumped. If it was anything other than a quilt for the cats, then I'd fix it.

This is the back of the quilt. I really love this pattern, but whenever I try to do it free hand (without marking the quilt) I always end of boxed into a corner or not getting an even coverage.

Here is the front before washing and binding.

Want to see what other people have done this week? Check out Link A Finish Friday over at Richard and Tanya Quilts.


  1. Hi Michelle. Love this quilt! The stitching doesn't look that bad, especially since this was your first try. In fact, I think it looks really good.Next time, I bet it will be perfect!

  2. Thanks Joyce. I can see more practice in my future!

  3. Very good first attempt! I'm just getting started with FMQ too.

  4. Michelle, I am a new follower from Richard and Tanya Quilts. I love your cat quilt. You did a better job than I do when I FMQ. Keep practicing and I will, too. :D
