
27 February 2013

Repro Plus and Cross Quilt Finished

Yay, my Repro Plus and Cross Quilt is finished. I decided on a solid red binding and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I am hooked on the #xplusalong I think I need to make another one.

Previous post on initial construction of this quilt.

It is actually square, just looks a bit skew if cause of the angles.
The back looks really great as well. I think you could definately use this one as a double sided quilt.This side is very minimalist.
And finally, the arty cover shot!!


  1. Looks great. Love the secondary pattern I'm seeing also.

  2. This is very beautiful, Michelle! You did a fantastic job.

  3. Gorgeous. This was a perfect pattern for these fabrics. :)
