
28 October 2017

Indigo Courthouse Steps - Finishing Decisions

So it's down to crunch time. I love this project so far, but there is one small problem. It's a bit small. I don't want this to be a lap quilt and I don't want to make anymore blocks. So my plan is to set what I have on point and then finish the corners in one fabric.

Now my natural instinct is to go with the light colours - in this case beige/tan. But for some reason this doesn't seem right. So I'm thinking maybe the indigo? I've ordered enough of each option to finish it off. In the meantime, I've done a mock up in EQ7.

What do people think? Tan or indigo?


  1. Indigo, definitely! It's so dramatic, and sets off the stars in your design so well!

    1. Thanks for commenting! I’ll add it to the tally.
