11 August 2004

Decoration on Banner Finished

I finished off the decoration on the banner last night (old gold cord around the sun rays). I sewed the banner into my slate frame to give me some support so that the lines would be easier to do. It didn't work very well. When I was doing the pearls around the rose design, I was able to put it into one of my quilting frames. But this wasn't quite big enough for the rays on the sun. I have another banner to do and I am seriously thinking of investing in a slightly bigger quilting frame to make that job easier. Anyway, all I have to do to finish the banner is to make some tabs for along the top for hanging and sewing a backing on. I will pick up the backing this weekend. Now to decide if I will do the other banner. I can probably get the work done in a couple of nights, which would mean both finished by the end of the weekend, which would be great. So yes, I will try and get the other one done by the weekend.