4 May 2006

Cute Cat Photos

Not much to report. Back to work today. I have a tension headache already and it isn't even lunch time. I got a bit of sewing done last night. I got about 15 sets of collars and cuffs in wool drawn up and put into bags with the yarn to work them. This should speed things up, as all I have to do is grab a bag and start sewing. I am doing them in three sizes. Mostly small (which should fit most people) but some medium and large as well. I might also do some Elizabethan blackwork collar and cuff sets as well. They shouldn't take too long. And I was thinking of what to do with the Chinese silk I've got. Maybe some silk on silk keyhole necklines for some 12th Century stuff. I will have to see how time goes.

Now for your viewing pleasure, some cute cat photos. First, Bubba in my embroidery basket. And then on the bed this morning, it was cold. I will have to post some of the Boy or he will get jealous. He poses so well for the camera!