14 August 2004

Craft Show

We went to the Woodworkers and Craft Show today. Lots of nice stuff. Lots more scrapbooking stuff this time. Found a place selling the Crop in Style paper tote. Gotta save up and get myself one of those!! Bought a moss green chalk stamp pad, some polish for my target arrows and a wooden bowl and plate, so hopefully I won't burn my fingers next Festival!!

After the show, we washed the car and went and had a nice lunch at Finnigans. Did a bit of cleaning up when we got home and a bit more handsewing on my tunic. I also managed to finish off the heraldic banner I was working on. I knew that the banner was too wide, so I cut a 4 inch strip of each side. I sewed along the edge to make a tube. Then turned inside out and ironed down. Each strip was then cut into three strips. These are going to be the hanging loops for the banner. I got some cheap backing material, pinned the loops in place and sewed it all together. I left a small hole at the bottom to turn the whole thing right side out. Ironed all the seams. There as some sagging so I sewed all the outside seams down, closing the hole at the bottom at the same time. This took another 3 hours. One banner is complete.