22 September 2004

This is Why I Shop On The Internet

So I jump on the ferry to go to the craft shop to pick up the last skein of thread I need to finish my Anglo-Saxon cuffs. I get to the shop and of course, of all the colours they have, they are out of one colour, the one I need. I suspect that when I bought the half a dozen skeins about two months ago, I must have bought them out. So for two months, they have been out of this colour. Perhaps it might have been a good idea to restock?? So when I ask when they will be back in stock, she says next week. So I assume that the salesperson will be ordering this in specifically cause I asked about it. I ask again, wouldn't it have been better to order BEFORE someone needed it in a hurry?

Now I know someone is going to say, but they probably need a minimum order etc etc. Yes, that does happen, but I get the feeling she was going to re-order this specifically cause I pointed out that they didn't have any. Now, if they actually kept an eye on their stock levels and ordered more efficiently it wouldn't be a problem.

So now, I have just ordered the needed skeins from a shop on the Internet and paid for Express Post. So with a bit of luck I should have it by the end of the week. However, since this isn't an online only shop, it may take a bit longer than that.