1 March 2007

Klosterstitch Progress

Klosterstitch Progress, originally uploaded by Jane Stockton.

This is the progress on the hanging. About 10 or 12 hours progress.

Detail of the Klosterstitch hanging.


very very beautiful!!!

maybe a small hint: I would make the couching stitches a little (really only a little!) bit longer and I would make the distance of the thread leaving the surface and coming back much shorter - I normally work with the first stitch into the row of the fabric of the stitch/row I have made before and 'come back' to the surface next to this place in the row I am working actually (except when I have to work at a border line than I stay in only one row)

I hope this doesn't sound to crazy - but I think you would get a better looking surface because the only thing that disturbs the good look of your surfaces is (for my opinion) the lack of thread in the parts between the couchings...

...besides this comment of a crazy embroidery geek and perfectionist (mea culpa - mea maxima culpa) your embroidery is really beautiful and gorgeous!!!!

That is just an incredible project to do!:)

For some reason blogroll didn't tell me your blog has been updated so I haven't visted for a while! I've missed so much.

Your hood looks amazing too!

I am looking forward to watching your progress on the hanging!