I want to make a pouch that shows some of my SCA affliations. I don't want to have a heap of favours dangling from my belt so I have decided to make a pouch, using tent stitch slips, which shows these affiliations.
I haven't decided on a final design yet, except that they will be placed in a rough cross shape. My device at the top, Mordenvale and Lochac on the horizontal arm and then WCOB arms below mine. My device and WCOB will be heater shapes and Mordenvale and Lochac Populace will be on roundals, to indicated that they are badges rather than devices.
I was going to put the slips inside a quatrefoil, with possibly a rose in the centre, but I am not sure. I do want something vaguly Elizabethan in feel, and this design might be a bit early, although if I can make the quatrefoil look like strapwork it might be a viable design.
So at this stage, I am just going to stitch the slips and then work out the design once they are done.
I know that I shouldn't have too many projects on the go at once, but this is a good project for carrying around with me. The other two WIPS arn't really portable as they require specicial equipment or need to be kept especially clean.
Below is an image of the four slips at 2 hr work and also a close up of my device.
Also, there is an image on the left of my Lochac device (as mentioned in a previous post) at 2hrs work.
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