16 February 2006

New Cord Technique

Thanks to Racaire's excellent instructions, I now have a new technique for making cords. I don't know if it's period or not and I know fingerloop braiding would be better, but this technique looks better than the bough rayon cord from Spotlight I am currently using and it's something I can do without assistance. The technique is very fast to learn. Even working from photos it only took me about 10mins to do it. And there are really only three steps to do. And it works up very quickly as well. Definately something you can do just about anywhere.

Below are some of the results. I played with different threads, so below are two silks (first using Eterna flat silk and Madeira stranded), then two cotton (normal stranded DMC and then Perle 5 thread), then perle and gold DMC thread and finally, DMC tapestry wool.